Crash debugging Windows 10 Mobile UWP apps

So your app is crashing

This post explains how to get the details of the root managed .NET exception of a crash in a Windows 10 UWP app, specifically on the Windows 10 Mobile ARM platform. Hopefully this post will save you from some of the pain that I endured and aid you in getting to the bottom of your crashing app. Also note that with some minor differences – that I shall include as best I can in this article – this should in theory also work for debugging any UWP store apps on the x86 and x64 Windows 10 platforms although I have not tested this.

I’ll not detail the complete end-to-end process here as it is varied and lengthy and the core of the process is covered in excellent detail in a two-part series of posts by Andrew Richards of the Microsoft NTDebugging blog: ‘Debugging a Windows 8.1 Store App Crash Dump‘ Part 1 and Part 2.

The issue I found with following that series of posts alone is they are missing some key information if you are working on the Windows 10 UWP platform. No surprise when you consider that they were intended for Windows 8.1 Store platform. But they are full of essential details for the similar parts of the process on Windows 10 UWP and they got me so close!

In this post I will detail the information that is not already available in the above posts and how it fits into the overall process of debugging crash dumps from UWP apps running on the Windows 10 Mobile platform.

Enable and collect crash dumps

First off, make sure that Windows 10 Mobile will collect crash dumps by heading to Settings -> Update & Security -> For developers and ensure that the value of the settings labelled ‘Save this many crash dumps’ is greater than 0. I’d recommend at least 3.

Now reproduce the crash a couple of times to generate the crash dumps. The dump files should now be available under your device’s \Documents\Debug directory on the device storage. Note that it can take a few minutes to completely save the dump files and if you see any files here named ‘SOMETHING.part’ then the dumps are still being saved so come back in a minute or two. Move the dump files onto the machine where the debugging will take place.

Now on to the experts

Now I’ll pass you over to the aforementioned articles which explain how to fire up the dump files in WinDbg. Just as a heads up that at the time of writing this the latest Windows 10 Debugging Tools (WinDbg) are available from here.

If your crashes are indeed caused by managed code that you have written, generated or otherwise included then you will inevitably end up being directed to use SOS to elicit the details of the exception that is being thrown. This is where things got tricky for me and if you do get to this point then return here and read on…

Filling in the gaps

Now that you may have tried invoking, loading and even locating SOS and the CLR or DAC modules, I can tell you that these components are not where or even what the article describes. First of all I spent some time trying to confirm that the CLR or DAC was loaded as it should be according to most sources on this subject. Eventually after much trial and error I tried issuing a reload command to ensure the correct core framework was loaded. This is done with the following command (see documentation here). Also note that this step might not be necessary for you.

.cordll -ve -u -l

Which, for me, results in the following output:

CLRDLL: Unable to find 'mrt100dac.dll' on the path
Automatically loaded SOS Extension
CLRDLL: Loaded DLL c:\symbols\mrt100dac_winarm_x86.dll\561408BF43000\mrt100dac_winarm_x86.dll
CLR DLL status: Loaded DLL c:\symbols\mrt100dac_winarm_x86.dll\561408BF43000\mrt100dac_winarm_x86.dll

This is all fine but is not quite what I expected to see and leads onto the issue with using SOS. As you can see, SOS is supposedly loaded by the above command but normal SOS commands/invocations still will not work. The above DLLs gave me some clue to what was going on here and when I looked to see where this mrt100dac_winarm_x86.dl was located it led me to find the SOS DLL. In my environment, everything can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\.NetNative\arm and I can see here a DLL named mrt100sos.dll and a few variants thereof. So it looks as if there is a special distribution of SOS for the Universal platform, which makes sense.

NOTE: This is where the differences between the different platforms (ARM, x86, x64) will come into play. I suspect that this should be the same process for debugging UWP apps on all platforms but I cannot say for certain. At the very least you will see different modules/DLLs listed above and the different platform modules can all be found under: %Program Files%\MSBuild\Microsoft\.NetNative,

Armed with this knowledge I then headed back to Google and thankfully (luckily!) found one mention of using mrt100sos on a blurb for a non-existent Channel 9 show:

…This is very similar to how CLR Exceptions are discovered. Instead of using SOS, MRT uses mrt100sos.dll or mrt100sos_x86.dll (depending on the target). The command is ! -ccw <nested exception> . The same command(s) for CLR Exceptions is !sos.dumpccw <addr> –> ! <managed object address>.

And sure enough if you follow on from Andrew’s Windows 8.1 Store App articles with the above commands you will be able to see your managed exception in all its detailed beauty. In the following example <Exception Address> would be the value of ExceptionAddress or NestedException in your WinDbg output:

! -ccw <Exception Address>

As an example, I had the following WinDbg output:

0:005> dt -a1 031df3c8 combase!_STOWED_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION_V2*
[0] @ 031df3c8
+0x008 ResultCode       : 80131509
+0x00c ExceptionForm    : 0y01
+0x00c ThreadId         : 0y000000000000000000001111001100 (0x3cc)
+0x010 ExceptionAddress : 0x7778afbb Void
+0x014 StackTraceWordSize : 4
+0x018 StackTraceWords  : 0x19
+0x01c StackTrace       : 0x008c67e8 Void
+0x010 ErrorText        : 0x7778afbb  "¨滰???"
+0x020 NestedExceptionType : 0x314f454c
+0x024 NestedException  : 0x008d09a0 Void

Taking the above NestedException address, I end up with the following command and resulting output. And this was all I needed to locate the bug.

0:005> ! -ccw 0x008d09a0
Exception object: 00f132ac
Exception type:   System.InvalidOperationException
Message:          NoMatch
InnerException:   <none>
StackTrace (generated):
IP       Function
65c279d5 ProblemApp_65810000!$51_System::Linq::Enumerable.First<System.__Canon>+0x99
65c27729 ProblemApp_65810000!$2_ProblemApp::Utilities::AssetsCache::<loadImage>d__4.MoveNext+0xa5
65539115 SharedLibrary!System::Runtime::ExceptionServices::ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw+0x19
65539317 SharedLibrary!$13_System::Runtime::CompilerServices::TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess+0x4b
655392c5 SharedLibrary!$13_System::Runtime::CompilerServices::TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification+0x41
6553927d SharedLibrary!$13_System::Runtime::CompilerServices::TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd+0x19
654ccea1 SharedLibrary!$13_System::Runtime::CompilerServices::TaskAwaiter$1<System::__Canon>.GetResult+0x11
65cf0285 ProblemApp_65810000!$2_ProblemApp::Utilities::AssetsCache::<Initialize>d__2.MoveNext+0x175

Would love to RTFM!

So hopefully this will help some poor souls who like me have to debug crashing Windows 10 Mobile UWP apps. If anyone knows of some proper documentation for the mrt100sos commands I would be eternally grateful!

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